I decided I’d become a volunteer for 4Paws the day that I adopted Hasi and Lima (formerly Teacup and Angelica) an adorable, but shy bonded pair of kittens that stole my heart. I had never had a cat before, but I was working from home in my tiny DC apartment and felt like I was in the best time for me to adopt.
I can truly say that Hasi and Lima are the best two things that ever happened to me. In the beginning they were very anxious and needed extreme patience and love – all which I happily provided. After the slow first couple of months, they began to show their personalities which to my surprise were sweet, gentle, cuddly, and well-behaved. They are a testament to if you give shy and anxious cats the right amount of space, time, and atmosphere they will eventually become normally temperamental cats. By then, I was already obsessed with them and wanted to do more to help other cats like them.
I work in communication and marketing, so my first thought was to help market 4Paws and the cats looking for forever homes. I was soon connected with amazing volunteers who helped me brainstorm this volunteer newsletter and plan a website redesign. It’s truly been a wonderful two years working as a volunteer. There is nothing better than helping these adorable cats and kittens shine in this newsletter and on the website. Another perk is working with the other volunteers who are passionate and solely committed to 4Paws mission.
I hope all of you will submit your story about how you became a volunteer for 4Paws. Also, don’t be afraid to ask to help! I know each of us brings unique skills that could benefit 4Paws in one way or another – even if they aren’t specifically listed on this newsletter.

Hasi (the tabby) is full grown at 5 pounds and I say that we are each other’s therapy pet/person. Lima (beautiful black cat) is my daily work companion, alarm clock, and morning snuggler.