Consider becoming a foster parent for 4Paws and help the little ones who can’t help themselves!
4Paws’ capacity to save feline lives is dependant on the number of foster homes available. Consider opening your heart and home to a homeless cat; become a foster home volunteer. The experience is rewarding and a wonderful way to teach children responsibility toward pets.
Cats & Kittens Looking For Foster Homes Today
Becoming a Foster
Call or email 4Paws to discuss your interest or go ahead and fill out the 4Paws Foster Contract.

Our No-Kill Commitment
4Paws Rescue Team is a “no kill” shelter. We will never euthanize a cat or kitten, except out of medical necessity. A cat rescued by 4Paws is never killed simply because we don’t have enough room. The reality of this commitment, though, is that we cannot rescue any additional cats from shelters or the streets until one of our cats finds a home, opening a space in foster care. The organization can only rescue as many homeless cats as we have fosters homes available to care for them.
Time Commitment
A foster home’s commitment varies from a couple of weeks to several months, depending upon the foster’s availability.
Financial Responsibilities
Fosters provide the food, litter and love for fur babies in their care, while 4Paws pays for pre-authorized vet care.
Transferring Kitty to Adopter
It is often difficult to say goodbye to foster cats and kittens, having cared for them from the beginning of their rescues. You will be comforted to know that the kitty’s new family has been carefully screened by a 4Paws representative to ensure that she will be well cared for and loved throughout her life. And you will know that you have done a generous and beautiful thing by providing a temporary home for your foster cat. Many 4Paws fosters will then save another homeless cat waiting to escape the cold and dangerous streets or a shelter’s death row.
Yes, fostering is a commitment, but it’s one that has huge rewards!
Foster Stories from the Blog