This is Freyja. Freyja was at a kill shelter in North Carolina when she was about 10 months old. She was going to be killed because she was FIV+. I had recently lost my feline daughter of 18 years and came across Freyja’s bio. I called the shelter and asked if I could get her that weekend as it was a bit of a drive for me. They told me she was going to be killed. I woke up the next day at 5:30am, drove 5 hours down, and adopted her the moment the shelter opened at 11am. Then, drove the 5 hours back home.
She is now 2 years old and is the best behaved feline. Her favorite thing to do is to steal socks and hide them around the house or stash them under furniture. She screams and chirps while doing this, making sure everyone knows what she is up to. No sock is safe. She will steal clean socks, dirty socks, fluffy socks, anklet socks, black socks, white socks, etc. She has the worst sock thief addiction ever.

When she is not being a kleptomaniac, she enjoys eating and sleeping in boxes or on a dog bed, or being with her dog, Zephyr. She loves Zephyr more than me, her own mother. Zephyr is a service dog and goes everywhere with me. When we get back home Freyja screams and runs over to Zephyr, rubs against her and purrs. She doesn’t greet me. If Freyja is cuddling in bed with me and Zephyr gets up and walks away, Freyja will RUN after her, abandoning me. Freyja follows Zephyr everywhere, kisses her all over her face, rubs against her, and doesn’t leave her alone.
Freyja loves belly rubs, chin scratches, and Greenie treats. She is a spoiled princess and knows it.