For many cats, the carrier is a scary place and can be very threatening. Because of negative experiences, many cats ...

For many cats, the carrier is a scary place and can be very threatening. Because of negative experiences, many cats ...
We’ve all seen holiday commercials where a cute kitten with a big red ribbon pops out of a beautifully wrapped ...
Since it’s officially autumn, we wanted to share some tips on keeping our kitties safe during the fall and winter ...
Our Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) saga started last October, when ‘Ginger’ one of our two adopted 8 month old 4Paws ...
There is little more frustrating than a cat not using his litter box. Shelters report that litter box problems are ...
Here we provide information on how to resolve behavioral issues with your cat – in particular, the behavioral issues that ...
Welcome to 2021!! The New Year is starting right where 2020 left off… adoptions are going gang-busters with dozens of ...
How do you successfully introduce a new cat into your household if you already have other pets? As cats can ...
Throughout the year, 4Paws constantly gets calls and emails from people who have found stray cats and kittens in their ...