What is a Bonded Pair? Bonded pairs reflect the natural instinct of cats to form a pack. Kitties have the reputation of being aloof, but they are very social animals. Like their ancestors in the wild, cats thrive in a pack where there is a stable social structure that provides comfort and security. How do Bonded Pairs Occur? Observant kitty caretakers get to know the cats in their care. They recognize personality differences, likes and dislikes which enable them to identify pairs of cats that get along particularly well. Once a special bond is observed, kitty caretakers try to keep the friends together knowing that bonded pairs do better together. In fact, when separated, bonded pairs may fail to thrive since they are so unhappy. A kind and observant kitty caretaker recognizes a bonded pair and encourages (or requires) dual adoption for the best interest and health of the cats. 10 Fun Facts About Bonded Pairs 1. Bonded cats do not need to be from the same litter. They can be in pairs or in even in threes. My bonded cats have wrestling matches and are constantly grooming one another. One kitty came from Kabul and the other is from our local area. 2. Bonded kitties should not be separated. If they are, it could be harmful to their physical and emotional well-being. 3. Bonded cats are adorable to have around and watch since they are always playing, eating, or snuggling together. They love exchanging their scent with one another. Many love to interweave their tails together while they cuddle. 4. Bonded cats help each other by gaining confidence, security, and reduce anxiety. Story: Sometimes there is an anxious kitty in a bonded pair. In my case, the anxious one (Hasi) relied on her sister, Lima, to get to know the kitty caretaker, the environment before she would explore it herself. Lima helped Hasi trust me and eventually reduce her anxiety. However, without Lima, Hasi acts anxious and avoidant. Lima is her security blanket. Although Lima is only a few months older than Hasi, she has taught Hasi about critical grooming and litter box habits. 5. Bonded cats can still have individual relationships with their owners. Most cats have their daily routine. Part of that routine is them spending one-on-one time with their kitty caretakers. In this situation, the kitties are not competitive for their caretaker’s love and attention and seem to respect each other’s time with their human parent(s). 6. Adopting a bonded pair of cats will make them happier and you’ll save two lives instead of one. 7. Bonded cats keep each other company when you are not around. You’ll never worry about your cat missing you or feeling lonely when you have a bonded pair. 8. Bonded cats do not hiss or act aggressively and are not territorial. They will play fight, but no real aggression is ever shown. The only time I’ve seen my cats hiss at each other is when they came back from being spayed. They didn’t recognize each other because their scent wasn’t the same. It was so sad seeing this. To help them get their scent back, I rubbed them with their favorite treats and other fabric with their scent on them. After 24 hours they recognized each other again and haven’t had an issue since. 9. Bonded cats will always get the exercise they need. You’ll be less likely to have an overweight cat because bonded cats prefer to play with one another. The ongoing chase scenes and wrestling matches help to keep a bonded pair in shape. 10. Bored cats sometimes become destructive: scratching furniture, tearing curtains, soiling rugs. Bonded pairs always have a playmate around and keep each other busy. When boredom decreases, so does destructive behavior. People who are gone for long periods of time often adopt bonded pairs. There is less separation anxiety when the owner is away because the cats are not really alone. They have each other. Friends are good and the best friend for a cat is another cat! Although there are pros and cons to adopting a bonded pair of cats, you may determine that the pros tip the balance as noted in the fun facts listed above. For people who love cats, a bonded pair means twice the love and that outweighs any inconvenience. If you are willing to adopt a bonded pair of cats, you may incur a bigger commitment of time and money, but you may also receive twice the joy. View Adoptable Bonded Pairs |
Monthly Tips: 10 Fun Facts About Bonded Pairs
